Monday, July 13, 2009

A product of my procrastination

While reading over some of my academic writing, I realized that sometimes I sound as though I'm consulting a magic eight ball with five or six transitional phrases. I keep repeating the same ones over and over, even when they're not entirely appropriate. "O, wise manuscript eight ball, which word should I use?" .... the little die in the purple liquid spins around and then lands on "Therefore" for the sixteenth time that day. So after some excellent googling and cross-referencing, I made this, and anyone who wants to use it is more than welcome. I'll update it if I think of any others


Riotflower said...

I clicked over from Ravelry. At first I thought this was funny, but I realised it's actually Brilliant- thanks!

JennyW said...

Also found from Ravelry - at least your procrastination results in something useful, I just end up with 20 more knitting projects in my queue. Which doesn't get the PhD done!